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The ‘Living Garden’ was designed by Stem Landscape for the 2018 Melbourne Flower and Garden Show. This garden was all about showcasing the unique and diverse Australian flora and fauna. Plants were selected for habitat and to encourage the local wildlife to enter the garden.


This garden was to demonstrate the size of the gardens does not limit possibilities of habitat creation and value. There was great emphasis placed on sound with the use of water and the welcoming of birdlife into the garden. The combination of sound and movement makes a space like this a place to relax, restore and reconnect.


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1635 Main Road, Research VIC 3095 | Ph: 03 9437 0555

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ID Landscaping acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Custodians of the unceded lands which we are privileged to work on, the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung. We pay respect to the past, present, and future Traditional Custodians of this nation, and to the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

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© 2022 by ID Landscaping | ID Ecological Management | Proudly created by Subgreen.

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